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The Blessing of Doing Nothing.


Boredom has always been something hard for me to sit in.. there was something telling me there's no reason I should be relaxed-- how dare I not worry about the imminent future?!?! Today I'm going to blame it onnnn AMERICA! I mean think about it, we are force fed from a very young age that we HAVE to work hard pass all reason just to obtain some disgusting amount of wealth and greed AKA the "American Dream". On top of that, America says "be productive!" even though our country will do nothing to help you when you burnout... especially if you're black. Being black makes boredom even harder, because while stomaching the pressures of just living in America.. we have to simultaneously make sure we are performing twice as hard just to get half the recognition. Well f*** that.

Being bored is a blessing not a privilege. The word privilege assumes that there is a certain criteria you need to meet to receive it. If you ever have the chance to be bored... REJOICE! Personally, for me to be bored that means there is nothing currently causing emotional, physical, or mental distress in my life. If I can look around and feel no sense of urgency, everything is taken care of, there's nothing to contemplate.. I am truly blessed. Someone once told me " if there is a chance to rest.. take it." That really stuck with me, I was in a place where I was attaching my worth to the amount of work or amount of things I did. They reminded me to slow down and understand that to be able to rest is to be able to OBSERVE instead of survive. So always take it when it arrives.

There is time to rest and there is time to work. Find your balance. Remember... even Jesus rested for 3 days :P.

How can you nurture your boredom next time it arrives? Do you believe you deserve rest?


Lady JMW

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Unknown member
Jun 12, 2023

I love this blog post jojo. Today I struggled deeply with boredom and restlessness. To your point there is no immediate danger or stressor heading towards me to ruin my life or day. The feeling of boredom can feel like a all consuming stream, similar to negative thought. If you don’t pull yourself out when you notice you’ve slipped in, you’ll get carried away in the water. When we come to the realization that to experience boredom is a actually a manifestation of true stillness we can see it as the blessing it is. However I do have a question for you jo. As a person who lives with adhd boredom can feel physically painful to experience. Redirecting thoughts to…

Lady JMW
Lady JMW
Jun 12, 2023
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Thank you for sharing your experience. The only advice I can give is to strive to be present everyday. Some days you won't be able to but at least when you're feeling down.. that's the most important time to be present.

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