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Solo Traveling

Solo traveling in the US has been a profoundly beautiful experience. I’ve met incredible people, savored unexpected foods, and felt joy beyond words. One of my most cherished memories happened while traveling through Philly and New York. Lost in the transit system and heading the wrong way, a transit worker noticed my confusion and came to my rescue. He guided me to the right line, staying with me until his shift ended and I reached my stop. We chatted briefly about the changes in Philly and the uniqueness of working on a train. Though we parted ways and never met again, that moment of kindness meant the world to me.

The best part of solo travel is encountering kind strangers who make your journey smoother and more memorable. Another unforgettable experience was when I joined my friends at their band rehearsal. Seeing friends from years ago and hearing their musical growth was heartwarming. We spent the night laughing and having fun in the studio. At the end, a new friend showed me a hidden balcony behind the stairwell. The city lights were beautiful, and I captured them on my camcorder.

It’s magical how you can reconnect with old friends as if no time has passed. I’ll never forget that random act of kindness and the joy of having friends, new or old.

This post is in collaboration with HiUsa, an international hostel non profit organization. Click here to see the full video!

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