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21 trips around the sun

Whew, what can I truly say to embody how I feel about my 21st birthday today?

I'll start with this... I am so grateful for how much i've grown and changed. It's a different kind of pride when you can say to yourself, "I did that". These past 3-4 years i've been undergoing a deep change in my reality as well as my understanding of self. I feel like in this next year I'm applying everything i've been learning so that I can experience more abundance, love, connection, and understanding. I've just recently came to this understanding of my change. That's the funny thing about it, you have no idea what the change brings until change occurs and then there's a moment of clarity.

I think we often freeze up when we see change about to occur, it's almost like how we tense our bodies right before the drop on a rollercoaster. But once we do make that drop, we shout with joy, celebrating the fact that we made it through safely. Life is just the same, we get so scared about our perceived obstacles but when we get to look at it up close, its never as bad as we thought it would be. In this new year, let's practice not catastrophizing our issues and understand that we are equipped to get through any challenges we face or we at least have the resources to get help.

One thing that has been important for me to affirm is that I AM READY. Even when I don't know the when, where, and how... I am ready.

Affirm that for yourself.

I am completely ready.

I am ready in mind, body, and spirit.

I know when I am ready.

I am more and more ready every single second.

This post has been just my stream of conscious on this sacred day but I hope you find reflection in my words. Feel free to relate, disagree, reflect in the comment section.

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